Offering polarized communities a way out.

Bridgeway is an innovative digital app designed to help individuals and communities navigate the challenges of toxic polarization. 

Highlight Features

  • Cutting-Edge Science: Powered by Dr. Peter Coleman’s groundbreaking research.

  • AI-Powered Coaching: Offers actionable insights informed by psychological science and conflict resolution best practices.

  • Interactive Role-Play: Engage in safe chatbot simulations to practice skills before applying them in real life.

  • Sustainable Change: A habit-building program designed for long-term impact

Bridgeway In Action

Bridgeway empowers you and your community with tools for:

  • Communicating effectively across ideological divides.

  • Promoting tolerance and open-mindedness.

  • Mending politically-strained relationships.

  • Managing politically-induced anxieties.

  • Fostering dialogue-driven civic engagement.

Be part of the change—help us test Bridgeway!